Ways to Maintain Water Heater during Summer Season

October 23, 2018

Let’s set the scene. The summer season is imminent, and the water heater, located in some poorly ventilated garage or utility room, is acting up in a very strange way. Ironically, the worst problems were addressed during the winter months, but now the warmer half of the year is causing problems. That’s a frustrating prospect, for sure. Jumping into this fair weather scenario, a maintenance plan is taking shape.

Revisiting Ventilation Issues 

The heat is building up in the utility closet. All the winter junk, the discarded stuff that kept everyone warm on chilly nights, is blocking the water heater’s vents. The system is also generating thermal energy, and there’s a stifling mass of heat building up in here because the summer is unusually hot this year. Clear the vents before the thermostat and pilot light both start to experience heat-related problems.

A Sediment Reduction Opportunity 

This is a brief respite, an intermission that should be used to maintain the tank before the winter spins back. Take this opportunity to drain the water, get rid of sediment buildup, and enjoy a more efficient hot water production unit during a colder season. Along with the safety guidelines sticking to the outside of the vessel, there should be a guide to draining the hot water tank. If that guide is missing, if there are doubts on carrying out the procedure, any at all, call in a servicing engineer.

Insulation Inspection 

A completely different set of problems is impacting the system. In the winter, there were worries about pipes bursting and water heater damage. Additional cladding was installed as protection. Now, however, there are new issues to cope with during the summer. Turn down the thermostat a little, there’s no need to waste energy now that the weather is fairer. Next, the heat pounding the walls of the garage is producing an unexpected side effect; there’s condensation seeping into the insulation. The heat conserving stuff is sopping wet, and that’s just not a good situation. Seal the cladding, check for condensation issues, and replace those water-logged sections before the weather cools.

Finally, know when to call for help. There was a sense of urgency when winter came, but now that instinctive reaction is quenched. It’s the summer, so surely there shouldn’t be any problems to worry about now. Unfortunately, there’s a whole new set of issues to deal with in the summer. Turn down the thermostat, review ventilation measures, check for pilot light and thermostat problems. And, if for no other reason, use this time of the year as an opportunity, a moment to drain and prepare the water heater for next winter.


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