Easy and Successful Water Heater Tips that Every Owner Should Know

March 27, 2018

Every hot water heater owner needs a list of care and upkeep tips. The information should be practical, not based on vague directions. They have to serve a real purpose. Having provided this introduction, here are the tips and tricks, the information sweeteners that will transform keen amateurs appliance caretakers into successful water heater owners. We begin with the basics, the location of this water storage unit. Is it in the garage?

Locate the Water Heater 

A game of hide-and-seek isn’t on the agenda today, so find the appliance now. In the kitchen, it’s probably located in a closet. Here’s a clue: look for the airing closet, if one is provided. Water heaters are insulated, but escaping heat can be repurposed and used to heat just-dried laundry. This cupboard is known as an airing closet.

Keep the Unit Clear 

Clear trash and canisters from the tank. Sure, it makes a handy stand when all of the garage workbenches are occupied, but it’s really not meant as additional desk space. Don’t leave flammable cans and aerosols anywhere near the pilot light zone. Importantly, the pilot light requires ventilation. More importantly, flammable fumes cannot be allowed to gather in this area.

Collect Baseline Data 

A call has gone through to the heating engineer. The water heater is failing, what can be done? Well, the first query piped down the line is going to ask one important question: what type of water heater do you own? Know whether the appliance is gas or electric powered. Is there any solar power involved? Write down the model number, tank capacity, and any other relevant information. Be prepared to convey the tank specs.

Don’t Let Problems Become Worse 

A small leak is spreading dirty water across the garage floor. At any moment, that tank could rupture and flood a basement or garage. If there’s an obvious leak, call out a heating engineer and get it replaced. If the issue comes down to a loose valve, there’s still the dirty water to clear. Flush that dirt and particulate matter out.

Know where the main water line is. Be able to safely turn off the water valve, the gas, and the electricity. Furthermore, as a water heater owner, this nominated individual really should know the procedure for relighting the pilot flame. This last point might seem obvious, but it needs mentioning. Don’t use a match or lighter to seek out the pilot light enclosure. Furthermore, don’t light the flame if there’s a smell of gas around the tank. Finally, if all is safe, use an approved pilot light igniter, and only do so after following the instructions labelled on the gas valve regulator.

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