Hot Water Systems Failure That Calls for Emergency Repairs

July 2, 2019

Not every hot water system defect requires the services of an emergency repair engineer. Sure, for peace of mind, a customer probably will get on the service hotline and ask whether their appliance or property is at risk. Ultimately, however, only a handful of system failure conditions will result in the immediate dispatch of an around-the-clock repair truck. Among them, a tank leak ranks high, for property damage is imminent.

Countdown to Destruction

That sounds a little melodramatic, but it’s not far from the truth. With a tank breach going on, the whole floor of a basement or garage could be submerged. The water is maybe leaking into the structure’s wooden frame. Frost damage is another painful unpleasant possibility. Only, this time around, the pipes could be high up and in full view. Spraying like the ugliest of fountains, the expansion effect wrought by the icy block has popped a pipe fitting. Again, structural framing is at risk, as are boxes full of stored items, which could include piles of irreplaceable family memorabilia. In these instances, there’s really no other choice. This is the very definition of an emergency repair, so call that hotline.

A Smell of Gas or Ozone

Here are two different room stinks. They’re given off by hot water system fuel sources. Straight to the point, for this is a dire emergency, gas smells indicate life-threatening hazards. Don’t linger. Get out of the building; call the emergency repair engineer. If there’s a smell of ozone or a series of sparks coming out of an electrically heated appliance, the decision is less clear. For starters, don’t touch any exposed metalwork, for there could be a short-circuit taking place inside the system housing. An electrical shock could prove fatal, so call the emergency engineer. Realistically, the service representative at the other end of the line might just tell the customer to switch off the appliance circuit breaker. First thing in the morning, a repair engineer will probably roll up to take care of matters. On the other hand, considering the danger, an emergency engineer might be dispatched immediately anytime.

Customers can’t roll the dice where gas smells and possible electrical short circuits are concerned. Stay away from the hot water system. If there’s any chance of a gas leak, get out right now without taking any action. Remember, the smallest spark could set off an explosion. Get out then make the call. As for major system leaks, structural damage is a real possibility, so as the risk of an extinguished pilot flame. If the water is coursing down a metal housing, one that’s electrically powered, a serious shock is on the cards again. Therefore, as a general rule, if in doubt, do call that emergency repair phone number.

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